Here is an archive of the classic HP200lx SUPER site as shared on the HPLX mailing list by Michel. I also have a direct download (220MB) available for those who don't want to grab a torrent file.
I'm working on a MM/LX (MindMap/lx) file of ways to connect to the internet. I'm just using the export to HTML option.
Riziko is a well made Risk game for the 200lx.
The best image viewer for the 200lx.
Big, full screen clock for the 200lx.
Hisword is a great bible program made for the 200lx. Tom Hoover is the programer who made it. His site was down for a while and so I have the files here.
Here is some pictures of a high quality 200lx case made by Entelechy. It has serial and power connectors that work while the 200lx is in the case. It has a full rubber seal. They say that it is water resistant, but I have opperated my 200lx while fully submerged.I did it in a nearby swimming pool that was 9 feet deep. No problems, even at the bottem. It also flots, which is nice for near streams. There are also Thredded holes on the sides for suspending it from your neck.
This site is one of the best spots for getting Programs. It has the most files for the (1-2)00lx that I have seen. It also has a lot of files for the 95lx.
Sadly this site is down, but the archive is available at the top of this page. Torrent file 220MB 7z archive
This site is a great 200lx store and archives.
This site is the info center for almost all things 200lx.Also down.
This site is the a great place for info on getting thing to work on the 200lx.
No longer hosting 200lx related content.
This site has a lot of nice programs some free and some pay. They also have the best web connection system.
This site has a lot of good games and game reviews for the 200lx.Also down.
Project Gutenberg has a Lot of free books in txt and rtf format. Pretty much any book that does not have a copyright is there.
Peter Olson
peter.olson[at]gmail {_dot_} com
Created with MindMap/LX